The Department of Computer Technology focuses on three broad areas of information technology are Programming, Hardware-Networking and Application. The First, various field of programming deals with Procedural Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Visual Programming, Database, Web Development and Programming. The second is the basic concept of hardware, computer organization, computer architecture, microprocessor, data communication and networking. And the third is some application knowledge like MS Office, Auto CAD, System Software, Graphics and Multimedia Software, and PLC Application.
Department Mission:
The Department of Computer Technology set the mission as to provide leadership in the development of powerful, cost-effective technical services and business solutions for staffs and policy makers.
Program Educational Objectives:
Prepare students to apply their knowledge and multifaceted skills to be employed and excel in IT professional careers and/or to continue their education in IT and/or related graduate programs.
Objective 1
To provide students with Core Competence in mathematical, scientific and basic engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, analyze and solve hardware/software engineering problems and/or also to pursue advanced study.
Objective 2
To train students with good breadth of knowledge in core areas of Information Technology and related engineering so as to comprehend engineering trade-offs, analyze, design, and synthesize data and technical concepts to create novel products and solutions for the real life problems.
Objective 3
To inculcate in students to maintain high professionalism and ethical standards, effective oral and written communication skills, to work as part of teams on multidisciplinary projects and diverse professional environments, and relate engineering issues to the society, global economy and to emerging technologies.
Objective 4
To provide our diploma engineers with learning environment awareness of the life-long learning needed for a successful professional career and to introduce them to written ethical codes and guidelines, perform excellence, leadership and demonstrate good citizenship.
Student Outcomes:
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS